Thursday, June 02, 2005



Yes, I know others use "intraomphaloskepsis", but we, at the Lake, have never found mixed roots very appealing!

Little did Daphne expect the tempest she would unleash with her simple quack of ennui posted on the pretender to our friend, Scaramouche's website, Dreamnation Recording Co. [dnrc].

How were we to know that some ex-hippie who found Damascus Road in Brisbane in 1984 would have turned the most modest act of personal hygiene into an international record?

Or that *the substance formerly known as navel fluff/lint*, of which the average human accumulates some 2-3 milligrams a day, was dangerously inflamatory as well as inflammable? (That's some 85kg in a lifetime, by the way.)

Despite all the kerfuffle (pardon my Gaelic), we still need help, friends; Daphne remains inconsolate because no-one has yet answered her question:

"does anyone know the correct word for the lint that collects in one's navel? and why is it always blue?"
It transpires that she's been reading the Don Vivo trilogy:
"Don Emmanuel grinned, scratched his rufous beard and then his pubic region, and said, 'I will give you all the advice in the world if only you can tell me why it is that the dingleberries excavated from my navel by Felicidad are always composed of blue Lint, when I possess no clothes of that colour.' "
Extract from The Troublesome Offspring of Cardinal Guzman by Louis de Bernières, published by Secker & Warburg.
Please post if you can help her with her questions - then we can all get some sleep.
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