Friday, December 26, 2003



I couldn't let the sun rise further on my anger ... so, I went to speak with Daphne. She usually has a way of making things seem, I dunno, less "stark". I found her on the small bank beside the highway.

'Coin, coin,' she said as I mosied on up.
'Kwan, kwan,' I mimicked, 'What the .... is kwan, kwan?'
'It's the noise a duck makes in French,' says she!

Why? Why would a perfectly normal Australian blue-billed duck (other than for the amputation, that is :) want to speak French.

'It's a ruse for the hunting season,' she told me. 'It is either that or "vak, vak" (which is apparently what her long lost Turkish cousins say) ... they'll need interpreters or they'll never find us!'

And I thought I had matters of moment on my mind. Suddenly, the day seemed better!
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