Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Oh dear ...

I hope no-one noticed ... it's gone now ... hidden in the fifth word of this very apologia. But it will probably be enough to get me expelled from the Ancient and Noble Order of Pedants!

One can't help thinking of Pierre, the Marseillais WW1 hero and the taunts of the jeunes mecs locals ... "just one little apostrophe" sounds so hollow when all is said and done and written!

Apparently the phenomenon is going global but that's no excuse for us at the Lake. We've devoted nearly 0.763% of our lives to its eradication only to find "it's own pace and rhythm" lulling us into compacency! The price of freedom IS eternal vigilance.

Nor does it assuage our feelings of shame and guilt to know that the error was rectified without "external audit" or that archive.org failed to capture it. There is no comfort in knowing that us dystypophobics often make such rods for our own backs! The gum has fallen in the gully and a sound was born! The proof reader will be taken to a forest in Siberia! Oh dear ...
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