Thursday, August 12, 2004


Bags are packed, we're ready to go ...

(with apologies to Peter, Paul and Mary - who probably should be doing the apologising themselves!)

Paris and I are off to Vietnam next Thursday: my first time there, although Paris has been before. I'm living on the smell of it. We fly into Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) and then wend our way north, via Dalat, Nha Trang, Hoi An, and Hue to Hanoi (with a side trip to Halong Bay).

The tickets and visas all arrived yesterday - so, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, here we come! The visa is so incredibly "neat" but I suppose that's one of the things about communism: it's incredibly neat. The juxtaposition in a fast growing, young and vibrant S.E. Asian country is bound to intrigue me!

Anyway, Paris just wanted me to write to let you know that we'll try to keep a running journal here on the blog so all our friends at the Lake can stay in touch. It'll be a bit dependant on access to Internet cafes and the digital camera, but we'll do our best. Only 7 more sleeps: I can't wait.

(What is this strange thing developing between me and colons? I never used to use them!)

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