Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Liars for Howard

What a wonderful site! So in tune with the feelings of ordinary Australians like us here at the Lake! Thanks to Davey Dreamnation for bringing it to Daph's attention. (Daph passed it onto me because she thought it was about "lairs" LOL)

Here's the email I posted to them today:


I very much admire your efforts in bringing to the fore the outrageous discrimination suffered by ordinary Australians who just once in a while tell a little porkie at the hands of the black-armband brigade who get so upset because our country was founded on that classic, the "terra nullius" fib. However, I feel it necessary to take issue with your assertion of John Howard's right to lie to the Australian people.

The concept of a right, as you well know, has been used regularly by do-gooders like Dr Sev Ozdowski of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, the High Court, Marcus Enfield, Sir William Deane and even the US Supreme Court recently (to name just a few) to pour scorn on the legitimate efforts of the Howard Government and our allies to use deception to ensure that the horrible truth about refugee incarceration, the treatment of children, Guantanamo Bay, aboriginal Australians or the environment does not distract us from our prime task of economic advancement.

I prefer to say that John Howard has a duty and a mutual obligation to the Australian people to lie. This is an older, more trust-worthy concept, used long before that demented pinko, Doc Evatt and his so-called pro-truth cadres at the United Nations foisted the Universal Declaration on us in the late 40s. It has its origins in the fine historical attempts of august institutions such as the Catholic Church and the British Crown to keep order and civility in our society. More recently, it has been used so well to upgrade our social security system to make it the envy of every sixth form prefect in a grammar school!

I know that those chardonnay sipping whingers at the ABC have banned the use of the phrases, but don't let that deter you. Beer swilling commentators, who know a crafty press release when they see one, are becoming increasingly sceptical of the way the political correctness of the truth-seekers has blinded them to a good yarn when it's spun. Remember Alan Jones and London 1988, or Andrew Bolt and the High Court 2004!

AND grasp the nettle - insist that John Howard do his duty and lie to the Australian people about anything that will distract us from our relaxed and comfortable agenda.


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