Thursday, April 08, 2004


It's been a while ...

Yes, well, we all know it, and are all blaming one another and excusing one another! It's just that when things really settled back to normal after the summer break, no-one really seemed to make our blog their number one priority. We could all say we were busy: Paris has taken up tennis coaching to add to his already busy schedule and has been spending hours down at the school after the kids go home hitting a ball against a wall and grunting. Daph has gone into one of her 'meditative' phases, focusing on reading, cooking, crafts and spirituality. Farouk had been 'lying low' since the nice men from DIMIA had their information night in Hamilton: every now and then he shows his face for just long enough to pose silly questions like 'How can a ferret be an economic refugee?' or 'How come Australians just don't get it about weasels?' - then we don't see him for a week or more.

I have, of course, been in regular correspondence with some of you throughout the time of this page's hibernations. And there have been some absolute gems flying through the ether:

A northern cousin sent the following, which he claims is an actual advertisement from an Irish Newspaper:
1985 Blue Volkswagen Golf
Only 15 km
Only first gear and reverse used
Never driven hard
Original tires
Original brakes
Original fuel and oil
Only 1 driver Owner
Wishing to sell due to employment lay-off
Please see Attached Photo.

Paris's friend, Stewie was the source of this 340Kb parody of Telstra's outsourcing of call centre services.

But, 'the winner is Sydney' for this candid snap of local talkback radio host, Alan Jones.

Enough from the lake for now. We'll try to be better 'correspondents' in the coming months! Love from us all.
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