Saturday, January 10, 2004

Like this ->
little joke he sent me the other day.
Apparently, because he's 2 years old and I'm immortal, it's very funny or something! Like I should wet myself laughing or something because he's so bushy tailed. I don't think so, Paris! And I say this in a considered way:
- Wetting myself would simply prove your point, and I've only ever been wrong once in my life. That was when I said I was wrong and I was right all along!
- You don't understand the difference between ageless and immortal. Bunyips, for your information, Paris, are "ageless" - those functional problems you so easily laugh at in others will afflict YOU before they ever beset me!
- You have absolutely no idea at all of how upsetting that is for me, do you? Like I'm really going to enjoy seeing things like that happen to the people around me I love one by one. Like I don't remember it ever having happened in the past.
Sometimes you ought to think first, possum. Boundaries, Paris, boundaries!