Wednesday, December 31, 2003


The Pleasure Study

Daphne has been filling in a proper, academic PLEASURE STUDY, she tells me. It is being conducted by a Canadian professor of marketing. I wondered why you would give some marketing guru the information needed to take the pleasure out of one more experience.

Daphne said it wasn't like that: it asks you about two recent pleasurable experiences, how they came about and how they were similar or differed. She told me that she had written about a trip she took earlier this year and about a romantic encounter she had had recently. You could see her get happier as she remembered! I eased the conversation on, not wanting to kill the moment. She smiled more as she told me how the experiences differed, the one being 'restful' and 'pacific', the other 'enervating' but 'attenuating'.

Paris came up, whistling. Daphne's look changed and she went silent.

I still haven't been able to make contact with Scaramouche: perhaps he's helping with the relief efforts in Bam?

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