Tuesday, December 30, 2003


My image

Paris got back today - his arrival gave a whole new meaning to 'bright eyed and bushy tailed"! But, more of that when he settles down!

Daphne paddled over earlier at a pace (you can tell ... the list was about 45° ... she has to lean more the faster she goes). She found this new Identikit thing on the Internet and has been playing with it all day. She made a picture of me, and thought I looked very 'fetching'. I checked it ('Load face', 'Bob Bunyip') and thought that it looked a bit like Alfred E. Newman, but that any resemblance to me, fetching or otherwise, was really quite 'far fetched'!

I really don't know why it has to be so hard for me to have an image. Perhaps it's because I can't be photographed?
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